Monday, September 18, 2006

More Keller

My attention has been drawn to three talks by Tim Keller look which look interesting. I haven't listened to them right through but he's usually a good listen. He's speaking on 'Preaching the Gospel', 'Doing Justice' and 'Being the Church in our Culture', mp3s of which can be found at THIS site.


Anonymous said...

Are there any written copies of these too? The being Church in today's culture sparked my interest...if not will try and have a listen. Jude xxx

Pete said...

Not that I know of. If you haven't ever looked at their website it's worth a look - search in google for redeemer presbyterian church (or I might have an earlier post which links it, not sure). They seem to be making a good attempt at being both culturally relevant (so that some of the things Keller says even agrees with some Emerging church/fresh expressions type stuff) and yet rigorously biblically faithful.