Friday, March 09, 2007

Christian History

Some nuggets from Garry William's lectures today in Reformation Church History.

'If you're going to reform the country you need to teach a protestant version of history.' (Garry Williams on Foxe's Book of Martyrs)

Followed closely by

'This is not an argument for home-schooling' (Garry again - no-one believed him)

And finally, John Foxe should have the final word

'...If men think it such a gay thing in a common wealth to commit to history such antiquities of things profane, and bestow all their ornaments of wit and eloquence in garnishing the same: how much more then is it meet for Christians to conserve in remembrance the lives, acts and doings, not of bloody warriors, but of mild and constant martyrs of Christ, which serve not so much to delight the ear, as to garnish the life, to frame it with examples of great profit, and to encourage men to all kind of Christian godliness?' (John Fox in Acts and Monuments, quoted from Garry's lectures notes, quoted from Betteridge, with the verie ancyente spellynges duly changed by myself, italics mine)

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